Monday, August 5, 2013

Hong Kong- Kowloon and Ferry Rides

Hong Kong Day 1

We were up very early this morning to depart Wuhan for Hong Kong.  Had to leave the hotel in Wuhan at 6:30 AM.  I didn't even have a chance to make a cup of PG Tips tea!  We got to our hotel in Hong Kong by 12:30 by which time I had a pounding headache from lack of caffeine. No morning tea, and very little breakfast (mostly Chinese options at the Wuhan hotel which I simply don't "do" in the morning!) and only a light snack on the plane.  I got into my room, went directly to exchange money and immediately bought milk so I could make tea!  Also bought a meat pie at a local bakery and came back to my room to have tea and the snack before heading out for the afternoon.  We had a fully free day, but our guide did arrange to take us on an "orientation" tour.  Basically he accompanied us to the ferry terminal so we would know how to take the ferry over to Kowloon Island. We are on Hong Kong island, in the city centre.   We took the ferry over to Kowloon and walked along the waterfront.  Then a few of us went meandering through the extensive shopping district in Kowloon, looking in various stores. 

Lord knows, this city is a shrine to the God of Consumption and wealth!!  High end stores selling everything from leather goods, to clothing, to jewelry and watches, to silk and wool tailors making custom suits, along with the usual array of Chinese souvenirs are absolutely everywhere and clearly, tourists come here with the sole purpose of shopping!  Finally three of us remained and we wandered through the Kowloon public park which was really beautiful.  Its very hot and humid here, but the sky is blue and the weather nice but for the heat.  All the stores and restaurants are fiercely air conditioned and as you walk along the shopping streets you get cooling blasts of cold air from open shop doors!  Its a relief, actually!  On our way back to our side of the harbor, we stopped for gelato at the ferry terminal, and then returned by ferry.  We were on our own for dinner and our only stipulation was "not Chinese!"  We found a nice Italian restaurant, where I was able to get my Tanqueray and tonic and one of the others got a good Belgian beer and we were happy!  I must say, we are all relieved to be back in a "first world" city, after weeks in China.  Being able to safely eat restaurant and street food, having rest rooms that are manageable and clean, having signs in English as well as Chinese just feels so relaxing after the rigors of this trip so far!  But we are paying for those luxuries.  Prices are astronomical here, just as they are in New York, San Francisco and London or Paris.  Its way more expensive to eat out here than back in China.  Tomorrow we have some scheduled events in the morning, then the afternoon to ourselves and an evening excursion with the group.  

I've included some pics of the harbor, which really is beautiful.  More tomorrow!

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